
Y3T Training | Week 1

Y3T Training | Week 1

An introduction to Y3T training and my experience so far...

Unlike the previous 2 years where I’d be in full contest prep by now, I’m currently still focusing on gaining muscles and developing certain areas. In order to do this I’m currently doing the Y3T training program, I’m three weeks in and loving the structure in training, so much so I’ve recommended the program to two friends, one who’s and experienced go goer but has been traveling for just over a year and one who has been weight training for 3-4 months now and wants something new and a bit more advanced than what he’s doing. Now that’s three different people, from three different backgrounds with a mix of experience, so regardless of your own experience Y3T can certainly work for you.

What is Y3T?

Y3T was constructed by Neil ‘Yoda’ Hill, retired IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and coach to 212 Olympia champ Flex Lewis and Zack ‘King’ Khan. The concept behind the program is a 3 week cycle, focusing of various rep ranges to target the three different muscle fibers. Week 1 targets the fast twitch muscle fibers (Type 2B), week 2 targets the fast twitch muscle fibers (Type 2A) and week 3 targets the slow twitch muscle fibers (Type 1).

In this three part article I’ll be talking you through how I’ve found my first three weeks on the Y3T program, what Bodybuilding Warehouse supplements I’m currently using to help my performance and recovery and I’ll also be giving you an idea of the weekly workouts and rep ranges.

Y3T Week 1

Week 1 focuses on compound exercises, heavy weights and low reps (6 – 10 reps), targeting the type 2B muscle fibers. A key point I have to make for week 1 is to control the eccentric part of the exercise for 4 seconds, so your rep tempo would be 4:1:1 (4 seconds negative, 1 second positive and 1 second squeeze). The reason for this is to keep your muscles under as much tension as possible and controlling the movement whilst lifting heavy weights and maintaining strict form.

Supplements for Y3T, Week 1:

As you’ll be lifting both heavy and controlled, I recommend a solid pre workout, especially for week 1!  I’m a big fan of Performance Charge; I loved the original a few years ago so got excited to hear that the guys at BBW were putting it back into production and making it even better. As you’ll be mainly hitting compound movements I also recommend PURE Glucosamine Sulphate to support your joints, plus with 1500mg per tablet it’s the strongest on the market and perfect for recovery.



Week 1 Workout:

Full warm up and stretching before every workout

Day 1: Quads & Hamstrings

Squats 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Hack Squat 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Leg Extensions 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Lying Leg Curl 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Seated Leg Curl 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds

Day 2: Chest & Triceps

Incline DB Press 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Incline DB Flyes 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Machine Bench Press 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Tricep Pushdown 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Seated Tricep Extentions 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds

Day 3: Rest Day

Day 4: Back & Biceps

Wide Lat Pulldown 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Lying T-Bar Row 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Rack Pulls 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Seated Cable Row 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Barbell Curl 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Standing DB Curl 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds

Day 5: Shoulders & Calves

Side Lateral Raise 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Military Press 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Upright Row 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Seated bent over raise 3 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Standing calf raise 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds
Seated calf rasie 4 sets 6 – 10 reps 90 – 120 seconds

Day 6: Rest Day

Day 7: Rest Day

Let us know how you goet on with the workout by using @bbwarehouse and @Lee_Malone on twitter.

By Lee Malone

supplements training plans workout
Posted 18 Apr 2023